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Tempest 6699

Nova Classical Academy

Competitive STEM Challenges

What is FTC Robotics?

FTC robotics is a yearly competition held by FIRST along with High Tech Kids in which teams from all over Minnesota compete in a game which varies each season.


The annual challenge is released around August. From there teams will have several months to design and build their robot, eventually competing at qualifying championships to try and go to the State Meet. 


Advancements are based on Rankings in the matches, and awards teams can receive for their outstanding work in design, coding, outreach, etc.

Team Centered Atmosphere

Members of Tempest work together to solve the challenges of the sport. We have worked on iterative design, task management and consistent communication to make sure we are working efficiently as a Team.

Corporate Sponsors

​You can't have a great bot without great code and CAD. 3d printing technologies and opportunities presented by Stratasys printing allows for us to work wonders with CAD, printing parts useful throughout the season. Code makes up for the backbone of the bot, giving life to an otherwise lifeless machine, and enabling easier driving and control of the bot. 


From the very beginning of the season, Tempest members work together on system design. Through Game Analysis, we work to optimize our robot to score points efficiently.

Team Outreach

"Fate whispers to the Warrior, 'You cannot withstand the storm'.
The Warrior whispers back,
'I am the storm".

Robotics isn't easy. It requires dedication to the team, hard work designing, building and coding the robot, as well as communication with the team. But the skills taught at FTC Robotics will prove essential, not to mention the countless opportunities for jobs, internships and even college preferences. â€‹

FTC isn't just an extracurricular, it's an investment for your future. 

Team Stats


Percentage of people who know how to code


Average starting salary of undergraduate students

(UofM College of Science and Enginnering)


Teams in MN


MN teams going to Worlds


Awards won last year

FTC Partners

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